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Reminder emails

Getting the best from Lil Regie's reminder email feature.

Mike Brown avatar
Written by Mike Brown
Updated over 3 years ago

The Attendee Reminder email feature is found on the Advanced > General page.

You can set it to send emails to all attendees at 48, 24 or 1 hour before your event starts.

The reminder email template is found on the Advanced > Email templates page:

As with all of our email templates, in general leave everything within the curly brackets { }, but feel free to edit and tweak the plain English text.

There's a few things you can do to use the Reminder email feature more extensively and these are outlined below.

Reminder emails for online events

When setting up your online event, you have various options for displaying the event URL, and for sending attendees this information and the password to access the event:

Here's how to cope with a few different scenarios, all with the assumptions that you will be sending Reminder emails to attendees.

Send the password in confirmation and reminder emails

Fill in the URL, Meeting ID and Password fields as above, and tick the "Show URL only in confirmation/reminder emails" option. This information will be sent out in the confirmation and reminder emails.

Only send the password in reminder emails

Fill in the URL, Meeting ID and Password fields as above, and tick the "Show URL only in confirmation/reminder emails" option. Then go to the Advanced > Email templates page and click the 'Customise emails' option:

Go to the Attendee Confirmation email (the first one) and delete the highlighted piece of code:

Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save'. This means that the password will not be sent in the confirmation email attendees receive on registration, but will be included in the reminder email they receive. With this method, you can send the password out with the 1 hour reminder email to try and alleviate sharing of the password with non-registered participants.

Sending out unique access details for different eventlets

We don't currently have the ability to save and send out unique access details for different eventlets. We are working on a feature to allow this and hope to have it operational soon.
For the interim, you will need to do this manually if required, by exporting attendee details on an eventlet basis and then emailing them.

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