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Using the Lil Regie check-in app
Using the Lil Regie check-in app
Mike Brown avatar
Written by Mike Brown
Updated over 10 months ago

Logging in

There are two ways you can log into the check-in app. If you're already logged into the main Lil Regie admin, go to the event you wish to check-in for, then to the Manage > Check-in page, and then click on the "Online check-in tool" link:

Alternatively, using the browser in your phone, go to:

and log in with your normal email and password. You'll can then choose which event you wish to check-in in for:

After choosing an event, you'll be taken to the Dashboard screen:

Scanning to check people in

When you first start scanning, you'll need to give the app permission to use your phone's camera.

Then click on the "gear" icon and select your phone's back camera:

Using the Scanning function

Each registration for your event will receive a PDF ticket with a QR code. They will be in this format:

Point your camera at the QR code in order to scan it. Then tap the "Check-in" button to check them into your event:

Events with multiple eventlets

If your event has multiple eventlets (sub events) there are two ways to scan in your attendees:

Scan by attendee

When you scan in by attendee and scan someone in, you'll see all of the eventlets they have registered for. You can then check them in for the eventlets of your choice.

Scan by eventlet

You can also choose an eventlet to scan into. The attendee will automatically be checked into that eventlet when you scan their QR Code. You'll also see the other eventlets they have registered for and have the option to check them into those as well.

Bookings with multiple attendees

For bookings with more than one attendee, when you scan in one person, you'll be given the option to check-in the others in the booking, without needing to scan their QR codes.

Checking people in manually

Checking people in withouth using the scanning function works slightly differently for Event Registrations (i.e. where you collect attendee details) and for Event Ticketing (i.e. where you don't collect attendee details). We'll look at each in turn.

Event Registrations

For Event Registrations, the 'Attendees' screen will show you all attendees at your event. You can search by attendee name or booking number to check them in. You can filter them by "Not checked in" and "Checked in".

If you have eventlets, you can also filter by these:

As attendees are checked in, this status is reflected on the Attendee page within the main Lil Regie administration:

Event ticketing

The main difference with Event Ticketing is that it has a 'Bookings' rather than 'Attendees' screen. This is because these type of events provide transferable tickets and do not collect any attendee information. Here tickets can be searched by booking number or the name of the billing contact (i.e. purchaser of the tickets).

Where more than one ticket is bought with a single purchase, each separate ticket is shown and can be checked in.

Unpaid tickets

When you scan a QR code where the ticket is still unpaid, you'll see a notification letting you know:

You can then still check then in if you'd like to.

Error notifications for invalid QR codes

If you try to scan a QR code for an eventlet that someone has not registered for, you'll see a "Ticket not valid for this part of the event" message:

If you try to scan a QR code for a different event, you'll see a "Ticket not valid" message:

Disabling QR codes

If you don't want a QR code sent out with your ticket to the event, or if you'd like to disable the PDF ticket completely, you can do that by going to Advanced > General and turning these options on.

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